Aerologic pilot jobs Wiki

Home ---> Europe (Cargo) pilot jobs ---> Germany (Change operator name/classifications)

Red text indicates fields that were changed during the last update on 1 December 2024
Pilots' Detailed Payscale- please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)

(click here to use the currency converter)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
Addtional notes:
No detailed payscale available yet. To update the factfile please click on submit new information.
Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top 223.531,97 € (thereof 20% taxfree) 20/Jul/24
Capt base 147.615,42 € (thereof 20% taxfree)
FO top 133.189,61 € (thereof 20% taxfree) 20/Jul/24
FO base 71.103,89 € (thereof 20% taxfree) 20/Jul/24
SO top

61.443,50 € (thereof 20% taxfree)

SO base 58.950,14 € (thereof 20% taxfree)
FE top
FE base
Additional Duty Pay / Per Diems for Aerologic Pilot Jobs
last update
Capt 2,50 EUR/h
FO 2,50 EUR/h
SO 2,50 EUR/h
Pension Details for Aerologic Pilot Jobs
last update
Company contributes 3percent, Employee 1.5 percent of gross income including per diems  
Conditions for Aerologic Pilot Jobs
last update
Roster Minimum 15 duty days, additional payment for additional days, usually 16-18 duty days p.m. Part time possible depending on demand after 6 months
Leave 40 days vacation, after 5 years 41d and after 10 years 42d
Staff travel Access to MyID Travel and jump-seat tickets at AeroLogic and DHL
Discounted holidays Access to LH-Reisemarkt

Aerologic Pilot Jobs Situation

last update
Current Situation:  
Hiring on all positions
Hiring due to 3 new 777f in2024. Higher workload due to new arrivals. Add. days are financially compensated.  
Overall Hiring Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):
Positive   28/Jul/24
Aerologic Pilot Jobs Entry Requirements (including preferred pilot schools)
last update
6000 hrs MPA, 1000hrs in command on aircraft with MTOW above 50t, German speaking no longer officially required but still expected. 1/Dec/24
500hrs MPA, German speaking only. If you come with more than 4000h experience on AC>150t, you can expect a "fast-track-upgrade" to CPT after having flown 1000h in the company. Note Sfo/Fo Not allowed to land at every airport:example: no mexico no fra North rwy etc. 20/Sep/24
Usually recruited from partner flightschool training program (ALFA) and occasionally external SO with frozen ATPL fresh out of flightschool. 3 Year Bonding for Ready Entry SO. 7/Jan/24
Aerologic Flight Academy (ALFA) @TFC Käufer, selfpaid 95k   16/Jul/24
Recruitment Process for Aerologic Pilot Jobs
last update
1st day psychometric testing, group exercise and assessment dinner, 2nd day simulator screening on B737 thorough preparation required, Interview - drug test and company medical if successful Practice aptitude and psychometric tests here.  5/Aug/23
last update
22x B777F 21/Dec/23
3x B777F end of 2024   30/Jun/24
Aerologic Pilot Jobs Recruitment Contact
last update
Preferred method of application:  
online 3/Jul/22
Human Resources 27/Jul/23
Job Title:  
Josef-von-Copertino-Straße 2 04435 Schkeuditz Germany 27/Jul/23
Tel: +49 34204 4430 11/Jul/22
Email: (To find out whether your email application has been read use VisualCV) 11/Jul/22
Website:  16/Jun/20  
Pilot vacancies webpage:  16/Jun/20  
Online application form link:  
Bases For Aerologic Pilot Jobs (including restrictions for recent pilot school graduates)
last update
LEJ (home base), FRA (operational base)
(click to look-up airport codes)


This webpage is provided to help students at aviation schools and flight schools find information on Aerologic pilot jobs. Whether you are looking for specific airline pilot jobs or more general information on aviation schools, pilot interviews, type rating requirements, pilot salaries and airlines, this website can help.

Coverage of airline pilot opportunities is provided for many flight schools and airlines, and you can search by aircraft type if you have a type rating and are looking for specific pilot employment opportunities. Students at aviation schools and flight schools may wish to visit the website periodically to keep up to date with the latest recruitment news for Aerologic pilot jobs.


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