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To add a new operator to the site please fill in the new operator form.

To update an existing operator please go to its factfile and click on
one of the "submit new information" links.

Base Search

For the time being please use Google to search for bases.

e.g. to search for airlines with a base in Edinburgh (EDI) you can use the following search term in Google:

"Edinburgh OR EDI site:pilotjobsnetwork.com/factfile.php"

Fleet Search

Please use this form to search the 'current fleet' and 'fleet orders' fields. This tool does NOT search the fleet fields within the detailed payscales.

Search terms are 'wildcards' so:

"737" will find "7 x B737-300/800"
"800" will find "3 x B737-300/800"

Payscale Key:
b = brief payscale
D = detailed payscale

Major/Nat'l/Low Cost



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