Home ---> Europe (Charter) ---> Croatia ---> ETF Airways

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Operator Classification
Operator name: ETF Airways
Operator type: Charter
Region: Europe
Country: Croatia
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from: April 2023
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
basic + hourly + per diem
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
30 hours
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes: Pay scales below are gross numbers. There are two types of contracts available (broker and direct with ETF). If on broker contract, you will receive gross salary and will be responsible to pay your own social/health insurance and tax in the country of your residence. If on direct contract with ETF, those contributions are deducted from the salary and paid by ETF. Type of the contract is at pilot's discretion. Every pilot has company world-wide medical insurance in case of emergency. The salary is composed of basic salary + flown block hours + per diems. Minimum guaranteed block hours paid are 60 from 01st April till 31st December and 30 hours from 01st January till 31st March. Every hour flown over guaranteed is additionally paid as per pay scale. Voluntarily working on a day off is paid as “working day off” Positioning is paid by the company from/to the nearest international airport and hotels/transportation during layovers. Additionally company pays every pilot annual loyalty bonus in two installments (June and October) Hour rate for working on Sundays and holidays is 50% increased    
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top Based on 80 hours flown (20hours on Sundays/Holidays). Basic 3250€ Hours 8100€ Per diems 1680€ __________________ Total 13030€
Capt base 01.04-31.12 9 months per year: 8650 + per diems 01.01-31.03 3 months per year: 5950 + per diems
FO top Based on 80 hours flown (20hours on Sundays/Holidays). Basic 2050€ Hours 4500€ Per diems 1680€ __________________ Total 8230€ 23/Jul/24
FO base 01.04-31.12 9 months per year: 5050 + per diems 01.01-31.03 3 months per year: 3550 + per diems 23/Jul/24
SO top
SO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt Depending on the base. Most EU countries are 80€ per day at base. A few countries with lower living costs (i.e. Bulgaria) are 50€/day at base. No per diems while in Croatia.
FO Depending on the base. Most EU countries are 80€ per day at base. A few countries with lower living costs (i.e. Bulgaria) are 50€/day at base. No per diems while in Croatia.
SO Depending on the base. Most EU countries are 70€ per day at base. A few countries with lower living costs (i.e. Bulgaria) are 40€/day at base. No per diems while in Croatia.
Pension Details
last update
If on direct ETF contract, then Croatian national pension scheme.  
last update
Roster Full time: 21on/2 travel days/8 block days off Part time: 14on/2 travel days/12 block days off
Leave 4 weeks of paid vacation for direct employees. Unpaid leave for broker options.
Staff travel None.
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Positive 17/Nov/22
Hiring type rated captains, Min 3000TT and 500 PIC on type. Hiring type rated first officers, no minimum hours required. 7/Jan/24
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   7/Jan/24
Entry Requirements
last update
Experienced captains on type 17/Nov/22
No minimum hour requirement 7/Jan/24
Recruitment Process
last update
Recruitment is composed of 3 steps: 1. Online Psychometric test and personality test 2. Personal Interview (covering technical and personal questions) 3. Simulator assessment 9/Sep/24
last update
3x B737-800 17/Nov/22
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
Via email 17/Nov/22
  Job Title:  
etf.hr@etfairways.com   17/Nov/22
Email: josipa.bedic@etfairways.com 22/Nov/22
https://www.etfairways.com/   17/Nov/22
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
  Online application form link:   
Bases For Pilots
last update
MAN,AMS,EIN,RJK (winter)   23/Jul/24


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