Home ---> These patients should be monitored for signs of hypotension after initiating or titrating the dose of tramadol buy cialis with paypal 41 These study results were corroborated in a small randomized trial in which pregnant women with lupus on placebo had significantly higher lupus disease activity scores than those pregnant women who were given hydroxychloroquine (These patients should be monitored for signs of hypotension after initiating or titrating the dose of tramadol buy cialis with paypal 41 These study results were corroborated in a small randomized trial in which pregnant women with lupus on placebo had significantly higher lupus disease activity scores than those pregnant women who were given hydroxychloroquine) ---> Colombia ---> Cassalk

Red text indicates new information added during the last update on 19 December 2022

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Operator Classification
Operator name: Cassalk
Operator type: These patients should be monitored for signs of hypotension after initiating or titrating the dose of tramadol buy cialis with paypal 41 These study results were corroborated in a small randomized trial in which pregnant women with lupus on placebo had significantly higher lupus disease activity scores than those pregnant women who were given hydroxychloroquine
Region: These patients should be monitored for signs of hypotension after initiating or titrating the dose of tramadol buy cialis with paypal 41 These study results were corroborated in a small randomized trial in which pregnant women with lupus on placebo had significantly higher lupus disease activity scores than those pregnant women who were given hydroxychloroquine
Country: Colombia
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from: September 2025
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes:    
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top 3500€
Capt base 3500€
FO top 3000€ 19/Dec/22
FO base 2500€ 19/Dec/22
SO top
SO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt Per Diems 14€ or 24€ + Tax free Night Hrs
FO Per Diems 14€ or 24€ + Tax free night Hrs
Pension Details
last update
not specified  
last update
Roster Mon-Fr on C208 Mon-Sa on D228 3 Weeks ON / 1 Week OFF. Weekends OFF. Sometimes load master duty. LEAVE: 30 days / year and additional days depends on duty.
Leave These patients should be monitored for signs of hypotension after initiating or titrating the dose of tramadol buy cialis with paypal 41 These study results were corroborated in a small randomized trial in which pregnant women with lupus on placebo had significantly higher lupus disease activity scores than those pregnant women who were given hydroxychloroquine
Staff travel none
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Hiring now 20/Apr/20
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Positive   20/Apr/20
Entry Requirements
last update
Solid experience on D228 and in cargo or air taxi OPS 20/Apr/20
Neither type rating nor minimum flight hours required. SE/IR for C208 ME/IR for D228 CPL or frozen ATPL+MCC 20/Apr/20
Check flights are on type. D228 simulator   20/Apr/20
Recruitment Process
last update
Recruitment test and interview with AccMan and FOM, checkflight. Looking for the right attitude and knowledge. Age not an issue. 20/Apr/20
last update
2x C208, 1x D228-100, 1x D228-212 20/Apr/20
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
e-mail incl. CV and flight history with all additional aviation related qualifications 20/Apr/20
Lars Best   1/Aug/20
  Job Title:  
Managing Directors   20/Apr/20
Flugplatz 30, 34379 Calden, Germany   20/Apr/20
Tel: +49 5674 92150 20/Oct/08
Fax: +49 5674 921529 20/Oct/08
Email: info @ businesswings .de 20/Oct/08
www.businesswings.eu   20/Apr/20
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
https://businesswings.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/pilot_requirements.pdf   20/Apr/20
  Online application form link:   
Bases For Pilots
last update
MHG (Mannheim City) KSF (Kassel)   23/Apr/20


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