Home ---> Europe (Fractional/Corporate) ---> Netherlands ---> Solid Air B.V. (Closed)

Red text indicates new information added during the last update on 7 October 2011

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Operator Classification
Operator name: Solid Air B.V. (Closed)
Operator type: Fractional/Corporate
Region: Europe
Country: Netherlands
Pilots' Detailed Payscale - please state whether payscale is before or after tax
(pension, per diems and brief payscale are listed further down the page)
Effective from:
Listed pay rates are:
(yearly, hourly etc)
Guaranteed hours:
(if applicable)
(click here to use the currency converter)  
Addtional notes:    
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Edit the detailed payscale currently listed below (keeps all the current information in the cells and allows you to edit it).
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Brief Payscale (please state whether before or after tax) (please ignore if the detailed payscale above is up to date)

last update

Capt top E 5.500,= per month before tax
Capt base E 4.000,= per month before tax
FO top E 3.500,= per month before tax 23/Jul/09
FO base E 2.000,= per month before tax 23/Jul/09
SO top
SO base
FE top
FE base
Flight Pay / Per Diem
last update
Capt E 40 per diem
FO E 40 per diem
Pension Details
last update
No pension  
last update
Roster There is no roster, even expect to work on rest-off days. Be available 24/7.
Leave 23 days, restricted by crew
Staff travel
Employment Situation For Pilots
last update
  Current Situation:  
Declared bankrupt after operations being suspended by goverment 7/Oct/11
Declared bankrupt 7/Oct/11
  Overall Situation (+ve/neutral/-ve):  
Negative   7/Oct/11
Entry Requirements
last update
The minimum qualification requirements for commanders not type rated on one of ours types are: An Airline Transport Pilot?s Licence issued in accordance with JAR-FCL; At least 2000 hrs total time of which 1000 on high performance multi engine airplanes; Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) certificate or 500 hours on Multi-Pilot Airplanes; Valid Multi Engine Instrument Rating; Home location within 45 minutes of EHEH or EHAM; and Dutch and English speaking. We offer a contract of employment (unlimited period), competitive salary (with increase perspective), net daily allowance, travel and communication expenses. Second type rating after 500 hrs company experience and at least one year line-flying. 14/Dec/07
The minimum qualification requirements for first officer are: An Airline Transport Pilot?s Licence issued in accordance with JAR-FCL, or a Commercial Pilot?s Licence (frozen ATPL) issued in accordance with JAR-FCL and 150 hours total time; Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) certificate or 500 hours on Multi-Pilot Airplanes; Valid Multi Engine Instrument Rating; Home location within 45 minutes of EHEH or EHAM; and Dutch and English speaking. UPDATE: you have to pay 40K for TR's and less then 300 hrs yearly. 5/Nov/10
Recruitment Process
last update
1st step is a selection day consists of two group assesments and ATPL written test. 2nd step is a interview with two company representatives. 3rd step for inexperienced crew there will be a simulator grading. 4th step is a meeting with the management to sign the contract. 5/Nov/10
last update
1xCJ1, 1xBe390 Premier I, 2xCJ5, 2xCJ6, 1xCJ7, 1xFA50EX, 1xFA2000, 1xCRJ2 (P180 and DO328 for sale) 5/Nov/10
1xG450   23/Jul/09
Recruitment Contact For Pilots
last update
  Preferred method of application:  
Send your application, including resume and motivation, to the Flight Operations Manager 4/Aug/09
info@solid-airline.com   9/Nov/10
  Job Title:  
Flight Operations Manager   4/Aug/09
Luchthavenweg 31, 5657 EA Eindhoven   2/Nov/07
Tel: +31 (0)40 - 2354666 27/Oct/05
Fax: +31 (0)40 - 2354669 27/Oct/05
Email: info@solid-airline.com 27/Oct/05
http://www.solid-airline.com/   27/Oct/05
  Pilot vacancies webpage:   
http://www.solid-airline.com/jobs.asp   27/Oct/05
  Online application form link:   
Bases For Pilots
last update
EHEH   8/Aug/09


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